Is Boxing Better Cardio Training than Running

There are a lot of exercises which are helpful for cardio, but boxing and running are far most beneficial for human body. Both boxing and running are best in terms of cardio training. Keeps people active and agile. When we take about training, we mean both upper and lower body exercise. People really like to choose running between these two that’s predictive because to do boxing you got to be trained first, otherwise you can really hurt yourself real bad. However, statistically it’s the other way around .let’s talk about more and learns how both are best for human body in terms of cardio training.


Boxing is a real good exercise and needs to be well trained body to go inside the ring. It really offers much more than just a cardio. The game doesn’t just look violent but it is. Sometimes it really needs guts to get into the boxing ring. People really need to hit the gym least three times in a week for well shaped, hard muscle and six pack abs body. Boxing offer exercises like jumping a rope, hitting a bag, shadow boxing and etc.


Running is the most efficient way of doing cardio. The others major benefits of running include weight loss, increases metabolism rate, etc. Running often is not an easy task to do it. People often find it purposeless to do it and some says it’s boring to run like funny kid. People really don’t understand benefits of running .it can really make you look fresh, active and more reflexive. Though running is a repetitive exercise but nevertheless it is most easy way to get rid of body fats. Human body can burn up to 600 calories at a speed of 9-10 km/h. so let’s put on your running shoes and get ready to burn the calories.

Running or Boxing

I would say both are the best training for cardio and help human body to achieve the best fitness and heath but boxing gets a lead here with a little more useful as it engages lower body as well and keeps all the muscles and bones agile .Moreover we have to get better fitness level in boxing as it demands top quality fitness, better stamina and best diet plans. As said both are exceptionally good training practices but Due to top fitness level, I would certainly go with boxing.

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